Transpersonal Development

Vulnerability and the Spiritual Journey

2 Weekends in November, 2024

9 a.m. – 3 p.m. EST
November 2-3 and November 16-17, 2024.
Small interactive meetings taught via Live Zoom

Price: $600.

*20 Continuing Education Hours

What is transpersonal development?

Transpersonal means “beyond the personality.”  It emphasizes experiencing the part of our nature that is beyond both our instinctual fears and our social condtioning.  Often called spiritual, our transpersonal nature objectively exists and can be discovered with safe, effective, clinically-tested meditative, imagery and energy practices.   Transpersonal development  takes you through this discovery process and helps you to coach patient and client populations in need of this work.  Your training includes direct experience, intellectual understanding, open discussion, study with like-minded students and the gaining of new connections, wider perspectives and new directions for your own work.  Your training also includes how to identify your new role as a transpersonal coach/therapist/specialist, linking your skills to the alleviation of various patient and client problems.

The Course


Learn the role of the transformative journey described in Dante’s Divine Comedy as it relates to the framework of psychosynthesis.


Learn how Roberto Assagioli, the father of psychosynthesis, created a model of interaction between the personality and higher consciousness.


Explore how modern neuroscience supports Assagioli’s theory that our awareness is energy which has its source in a universal field of consciousness beyond the brain.

This course covers…

    • The recognition of the essential factor of human vulnerability in everyday life
    • The fight/flight/freeze reactivity to our vulnerability
    • The meaning of transpersonal – human resources beyond the personality
    • The crucial insights and practices of Assagioli and psychosynthesis
    • The integration of meditation, imagery and energy practices
    • The four transpersonal resources of inner peace, inner wisdom, life purpose and oneness
    • Safe, effective, time-tested methods
    • How our transpersonal nature, once awakened, can help our vulnerability
    • Completing advanced training and becoming a coach in this new field

Class Topics

Day 1: The Continuous Insight

Learn the continuous insight about our innate higher consciousness that extends from the 14th Century mystical poet Dante to the 19th Century founder of modern nursing Florence Nightingale to 20th Century “father of American psychology” William James to the psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli MD to the latest 21st Century neuroscience.

Day 2: The Four Qualities of Natural Higher Consciousness

Building on Day One, we operatonalize our natural higher consciousness into four specific qualities: inner peace, inner wisodm. liofe purpose and oneness.  Using many methods and case studies, we see how these qualities help to reduce suffering and change lives for the better.

Day 3: Consciousness, Choice and the Will

Strengthening the observing aspect of your brain/mind (the goal of mindfulness) gives us greater ability to identify with or disidentify from personality pattens and impulses. Included is a study of our will – our ability to choose to direct our consciousness/energy into a pattern (identification) or withdraw our consciousness/energy from a pattern (disidentification). Examples, such as addiction, low self-esteem and chronic worry are given to show how this skill is healing.

Day 4: Identification with Awareness Itself

Assagioli emphasized that our awareness/consciousness is energy which has its source in a universal field of consciousness beyond the brain. This is now being explored in the latest neuroscience. Learn his methods for experiencing this natural fact and its benefits for yourself. In some spiritual schools, they are referring to this fact as non-dual consciousness, oneness, the selfless Self, awareness of awareness, etc.

Course Reading

Transpersonal Development:

The Dimension Beyond Psychosynthesis

By Roberto Assagioli

Transpersonal Development:

Cultivating the Human Resources of Peace, Wisdom, and Oneness

By Bonney and Richard Schaub

Dante's Path:

Vulnerability and the Spiritual Journey

By Bonney and Richard Schaub

What Our Students Say

“This course was an excellent learning experience. The subject was presented with depth and clarity. Their teaching was so helpful for my personal and professional growth..” 

E. M. – Mental Health Counselor in Private Practice

“A transpersonal approach is liberating and life changing for both coach and client alike. Studying transpersonal work with master teachers and groundbreakers, Bonney and Richard, is an opportunity and a gift.”

R.E. – Transpersonal Nurse Coach

Bonney and Richard at Assagioli's institute

Who We Are

Bonney and Richard Schaub are the founders and directors of the Huntington Meditation and Imagery Center (HMIC). Their professional training programs include Clinical Meditation and Imagery, Nurse Coaching, Transpersonal Development and Transpersonal Coaching. Together, they have authored 5 books and trained health professionals internationally. In addition, Bonney has created the Transpersonal Nurse CoachTM (TNC) training program which brings expertise in transpersonal mind/body/spirit skills into Nurse Coaching. This can lead to Nurse Coach Board Certification.  In addition, Richard is teaching advanced training in becoming a Clinical Meditation and Imagery Teacher.  HMIC continuing education credits are also accepted by AHNCC as credits toward Holistic Nurse Board Certification, by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) and by the New York Mental Health Counselors Assocation (NYMHCA).

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Discover how our Transpersonal Development trainings, courses and resources can equip you personally, professionally and organizationally as you adopt a powerful new holistic view of health and healing that empowers you and your patients to live complete, purpose-driven lives.

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